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2019-06-11    香港商报
  俄羅斯政府最近推出廣泛措施,以滿足投資者的需求,多達900項措施覆蓋多個行業,包括製造業、服務業、創科產業等。為優化投資環境、吸引海外企業前往當地發展,俄羅斯推出一系列獎勵政策,向某些計劃如斯科爾科沃(Skolkovo)創新中心、體育盛事等提供誘因,以及在特別經濟區設立租稅優惠體制等。目前,該國設有25個經濟特區,獲俄羅斯政府賦予特別法律地位,區內企業除可享稅務優惠及免關稅待遇,更會獲提供設有現成基建的土地,也可免費接駁能源設施。最近,獎勵措施還包括在加里寧格勒州的Oktyabrsky島及遠東地區的Russky島建立特別行政免稅區(SARs),為有意進駐俄羅斯的國際企業帶來無限機遇。根據世界銀行公布最新一份營商環境報告,俄羅斯排名第31,在短短7年間由第120位攀升了89名,說明了俄羅斯積極改善其商業環境。俄羅斯近年持續舉辦多個大型經濟活動,如聖彼得堡經濟論壇(Saint Petersburg Economic Forum),以及在符拉迪沃斯托克舉行的東方經濟論壇(Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok)等。
  俄羅斯駐港澳總領事科茲洛夫(Alexander Kozlov)在接受本報訪問時表示,隨俄港簽訂的《全面性避免雙重課稅協定》(CDTA)於3年前生效,為實現更大的協同效應,雙方現正就簽訂《促進和保護投資協定》(IPPA)進行緊密交流,希望最終能順利簽訂,進一步擴大雙邊投資活動。近年,港府積極落實在莫斯科開設經濟貿易辦事處,促進兩地經貿互動。今年4月,香港更成為第一個開放給俄羅斯供應豬肉的東南亞市場,部分俄羅斯肉類供應商已得到香港食物安全中心的許可,獲准入口俄羅斯的冷凍牛肉、豬肉及其副產品到香港市場。 記者:鍾欣欣
  每年一度、由「俄羅斯俱樂部香港分部」(Russian Club in Hong Kong)主辦的「俄羅斯文化節」(Russian Autumn),已經成為俄國在香港舉行的文藝界標誌性活動。今年文化節將在10月開始,活動旨在向在港的俄羅斯社群,以及本地人展示豐富的斯拉夫文化精髓,之後並會舉辦「俄羅斯年度慈善舞會」(Annual Russian Charity Ball),為有需要的兒童籌款。 文:Carick
  其中攝影展覽「俄羅斯就是這樣」(Russia As It Is),會展出由相關攝影比賽選出的優秀作品,呈現俄羅斯現代攝影風格;至於在「民間藝術視覺」(Folk Art Visual)展覽中,則展示蘊含斯拉夫傳統技術的精湛工藝品。音樂愛好者要密切留意多場斯拉夫音樂會,將演奏詩歌、舞曲,以及來自東歐和俄羅斯的古典音樂大師之作品。擁有逾60年歷史的「聖彼得堡科米薩爾日芙斯卡婭劇院」(The Komissarzhevskaya Drama Theater of St. Petersburg),將會帶同代表作來港獻演兩日,緊接在10月底並會有俄國電影節。
  俄羅斯文化節的另一個亮點節目,就是由特列季亞科夫畫廊(Tretyakov Gallery)呈獻的「Three Centuries of Russian Art」展覽,那是文化和教育環節「Russian Art Alive」的其中一部分。至於一家大細將不可錯過科學表演《Wow How》,當中加入近年流行的S.T.E.M.(科學、技術、工程及數學)元素,將教育與藝術及娛樂融合。
  文化節的壓軸節目,將是第10屆「俄羅斯年度慈善舞會」,活動將於今年11月16日假尖沙咀1881舉行。舞會齊集在港的俄羅斯社區成員,為慈善機構「Podari Zhizn Foundation」籌款,所得款項將用作幫助癌病或患有重病的兒童,作為醫療及藥物上的開支。除了籌款活動,舞會尚包含晚宴與舞蹈演出,送上如波蘭舞曲及華爾茲舞曲等表演。
  俄羅斯遠東遊 攀火山 探熊蹤
  俄羅斯是世界上土地面積最大的國家,擁有豐富的天然資源,是眾多旅客的旅遊目的地。除了莫斯科、聖彼得堡等著名城市,俄國尚有很多好玩之處,例如遠東地區自然景觀一絕的堪察加半島,旅客可乘坐直升機觀賞火山及尋找棕熊的蹤影,與奇妙的大自然親密接觸。 文:熙
  俄羅斯遠東地區有兩個著名的旅遊城市--符拉迪沃斯托克(又稱「海參崴」,Vladivostok)及哈巴羅夫斯克(Khabarovsk)。符拉迪沃斯托克是俄羅斯遠東地區最大城市,也是重要的商業港口和海軍基地,擁有迷人的城市面貌,以及茂密的森林景致。該市有眾多的島嶼和沙灘,最引人注目的是金角灣(Golden Horn Bay),皆因該海灣上有一座宏偉壯觀的吊橋「金角灣跨海大橋」,大橋不但改善了城市的交通狀態,更成為當地著名景點。
  旅客在專業導遊陪同下,可以到庫頁湖(Kurile Lake)--歐亞大陸最大的三文魚產卵地,一睹成千上萬條三文魚洄游的浩蕩場面,更有機會找到被三文魚吸引的棕熊身影,觀看棕熊的覓食姿態,深入了解當地的自然生態面貌。
  It gives me a pleasure to address the readers of Hong Kong Commercial Daily on the occasion of the National Day of Russia.
  This year, Russia and China are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Our countries have approached this anniversary with the best relations in history thereof, while the Russian-Chinese comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation is developing in all areas. We succeeded in significantly increasing the mutual trade turnover, which in 2018 exceeded 100 billion US dollars. Russian-Chinese cooperation in such areas as investment, finance, energy and high technologies are being consistently promoted.
  Strong Russian-Chinese relations also create favourable conditions for the development of cooperation between Russia and Hong Kong, which has also made a significant step forward. Trade turnover between Russia and Hong Kong increased by more than 20% last year and reached a record high of 4.6 billion US dollars.
  New mechanisms of economic cooperation on the Eurasian continent create opportunities for a more active role of Hong Kong in Russian-Chinese relations, including those within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, which Russia is a part of, and under the Belt and Road initiative. In the coming months, the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and China will come into force. We hope that soon Hong Kong's Trade and Economic Office will be opened in Russia, which will help strengthen our economic and investment ties.
  This year, we and our Hong Kong partners have expanded our cooperation into new areas. I would like to congratulate the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, which in April this year became the first foreign arbitration institution authorized to provide arbitration services in Russia.
  Russia views food exports as a new growth point in Russia's and China's economic relations. In this context, the good news for Russian exporters is the receipt of a permit to export Russian beef and pork to Hong Kong. I am sure that our joint efforts will make relations between Russia and Hong Kong even closer and more productive. I invite partners from Hong Kong to take advantage of the new opportunities offered by cooperation with Russia.
  I am delighted to see that our cooperation in the cultural sphere continues to grow. Russian musicians regularly perform in Hong Kong, including as part of the Hong Kong Art Festival. Russian athletes also come to the city to compete in international sports events. The Russian national rugby team every year participates in the Hong Kong Sevens showing good results. This year we will welcome a representative delegation from Hong Kong at the 45th World Skills Championships in Kazan - a beautiful Russian city. I sincerely wish the participants success in the competition!
  Tourist exchanges are growing steadily, with Hong Kong and Macao being popular destination for Russian tourists and increasing numbers of Hong Kong residents visiting Russia. The China Friendly program launched in many Russian cities is making the stay of Chinese and tourists from the Mainland China and Hong Kong more comfortable. I invite our Hong Kong friends to visit Russia, and most importantly, not only to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg. Different cultures, cultural sites from different eras and pristine nature can be found in different parts of our vast country.
  I would like to congratulate my Russian compatriots living in Hong Kong and Macao, including representatives of the Russian Club in Hong Kong, the Russian Language Center and the Russian Business Club, on the occasion of the Russian National Day. Thanks to their efforts and enthusiasm Hong Kong sees a host of events in the fields of culture, music, film, tourism, business and much more.
  Two remarkable events-the Russian culture Russian Autumn and the tenth annual Russian Charity Ball will take place in the second half of this year. The organizers of these events are doing a very important job of strengthening mutual understanding between the people of Russia and Hong Kong, developing contacts at the people-to-people level. The festival programme promises to be very diverse and rich! I invite all guests to attend these events!
  These and many other Russian-related events in Hong Kong and Macao can be found on the Consulate General's Facebook page: @ruconhk.
  Mr. Alexander Kozlov
  Consul General of the Russian Federation
  in the Hong Kong and the Macao SAR
  of the People's Republic of China
(來源: 香港商报) 編輯: 李振阳